Should I Hire an HVAC Marketing Company?

As an owner of an HVAC Business, this can be a difficult question to answer?  Should I hire an HVAC Marketing Company? Many HVAC owners handle their marketing in-house or farm out part or all of it out to different vendors.  One for your website and digital marketing, one for your TV, one for your Radio, one for your Direct Mail….etc., etc., etc….. So, what is the right decision?  Each company is different and the results can vary from vendor to vendor.

So the question remains, “Should I Hire an HVAC Marketing Company?

What’s in it for Me?

  • A single-source vendor that is truly agnostic and is working in your “Best” interest, not the vendor’s interest.
  • A True Business Partner that is interested in your company succeeding
  • Better insight into understanding where your leads are coming from
  • A Yearly Marketing Plan broken down my month and by each medium, so you have year round visibility to your marketing budget
  • Saves you time and allows you to do what you do best, “Run your business”

Ask Yourself These Questions

  1. Am I serious about my HVAC Business?
  2. Do I want to GROW my HVAC Business?
  3. How am I marketing currently?
  4. Who handles what for me?  Different vendors?

HVAC Marketing is a Collaborative Effort

As an owner of an HVAC Marketing Company, we love helping contractors grow and succeed!  We work with many types of business; large and small, family-owned, people new to the business, and ones that already had most things figured out.  It is very rewarding to collaborate and watch their company prosper.

We really like to set expectations for HVAC business owners from the beginning.  Hiring a marketing company is not the “Magic Bullet” that will solve everything for you.  It will not magically make your company be the preferred “Service Provider” in your area. Or will it make your service techs better, your installers more efficient, or you better looking…..What it will do is help you understand what it takes to Market and Grow Your HVAC Business in 2021.

Marketer and HVAC Owner Have to Be on The Same Page, Communication is Key!

As business partners, a marketer needs to understand your company goals.  We need to each understand our part in the relationship.  Each of us has stake in the game!  We need to keep the lines of communication open.  As your marketing partner, a certain level of information exchange is necessary to obtain the best results.

Collaborative Information:

  • How many maintenance agreements do you have?
  • What percentage of tune ups are being converted into maintenance customers?
  • Your annual growth goals?
  • Does everyone in your company understand the above?

What’s your mindset when you hire an agency?

Are you hiring an HVAC Marketing Agency to supplement what you are already doing, or are you expecting them to totally change your business for the better?  A marketing agency is designed to increase sales leads to your company.  It is a joint effort between both parties, however the responsibility to properly handle the leads resides with the contracting company.

So, to answer the questions above:  “What’s in it for me? ….The HVAC business owner”

  • Hiring a marketing company will help you weed through the many different marketing options for your business.  They will be able to field phone calls and emails from vendors, so you don’t have to spend your valuable time speaking with reps. The marketing partner will work in your best interest and help you decide what are the best marketing platforms for your business.
  • The marketing company becomes your business partner.  It is in their best interest to help you succeed.
  • They can help you gain better visibility and understanding of where the leads are coming from through the following:
    • Trackable phone numbers through a service such as “CallRail”
    • Google Search Console
    • Facebook Pixel
    • Geographic location of the leads
  • A Good HVAC Marketing Company will provide your company a comprehensive yearly marketing plan broken down by month and by category or medium.
  • The marketing partner will free up time for the business owner; or if you have an internal marketing person, they can really help maximize their performance as well!

It’s a Long-Term Plan for Success

As an HVAC Business owner; What is your long-term plan for success?  It takes time and a lot of hard work to build a solid foundation for your business.  Remember, homeowners or business owners are not actively shopping for heating and air conditioning.  It is a “need” based industry, it breaks and they search for a provider and call.  It takes time to build up a company’s presence as a quality local service provider.

The team at Effective Media Solutions is here to answer any questions you may have.

Reach out if you would like to talk….


Will Merritt